AWF Women's Action is available now at AWF Pivitshare for Direct Digital Download for $20AU at, and features a variety of the talented women wrestlers of the Australian Wrestling Federation over recent years in exciting bouts from 2014 to the current. AWF Women's Action Match Listing:
Nikki Nitro Vs Flame
Erika Reid Vs Sofia Morales
Shazza McKenzie Vs Tarlee
Mikki Fortune Vs Jasmin Vittora
Steph DeLander Vs Alyna Kyle
Coby Starr Vs Alyna Kyle
Nikki Poteet Vs Alyna Kyle
Running Time Aprrox 1 hour 30 mins
AWF Wrestling thanks you for your support of this title and for financially helping our promotion whilst shows are not running due to the current covid 19 environment.
In addition, a prequel volume of AWF Women's Action bouts from 2009 -2014 is also in the works and will also be released soon. #awfwomen #awfwomensaction #awfwomensactiondvd #womenswrestling #womensrevolution #divas #awf #awfwrestling #awfwrestlingnews #australianwrestlingfederation #thisisawfwrestling #awfpivotshare #awfmerch #awfarmy #australianwrestling #aussiewrestling #australianprowrestling #prowrestlingaustralia #prowrestling #prowrestlers #indywrestling #nikkinitro #flame #erikareid #sofiamorales #shazzamckenzie #tarlee #mikkifortune #jasminvittora #alynakyle #stephdelander #cobystarr #nikkipoteet