AWF has been editing and uploading past events, and has scheduled to upload a new event each week so fans can follow the AWF from 2019 through to our 2020 return upcoming at Supanova in September.
This week AWF released it's February Fallout 2019 event for $9.99 at, and over the coming weeks plans to release follow up events AWF Back In Blacktown 2019, AWF State of Origin NSW, AWF Parra Powerbomb and will continue on through the year and into 2020 leading into the February Fallout 2020 and Supanova VIC & Gold Coast events where Covid 19 stopped the wrestling in 2020.
AWF hopes you will be able to support the AWF Pivotshare Direct Digital Download shows as they are uploaded, and help our promotion financially by purchasing the event videos that you like, so AWF can return to live shows again strengthened to continue our 20 plus year legacy! #awf #awfwrestling #awfwrestlingnews #australianwrestlingfederation #thisisawfwrestling #awfpivotshare #awfmerch #awfarmy #australianwrestling #aussiewrestling #australianprowrestling #prowrestlingaustralia #prowrestling #prowrestlers #indywrestling #awffebfallout #awfbackinblacktown #awfstateoforigin #awfparrapowerbomb